
Annie Bacon, Wes Collins and Kyle Rasche's Tavern Basement Songshow

The Family Tavern, 114 E. Main Street SE, Caledonia, MI

TAVERN SONGS transforms the incredible basement stage of Caledonia's Family Tavern into a listening room where world class songwriters can connect with world class listeners.

WES COLLINS (Chapel Hill, NC) is an award-winning songwriter that more than makes up for lost time with songs so dense with ideas that a first listen only scratches the surface. Come for a haunting melody and some intricate fingerpicking and stay for the wit and deep literary intelligence. There is always more to find in a Wes Collins song. ( )

ANNIE BACON (Ann Arbor, MI) is a writer and songwriter that merges a literary writing style and folk-rock Americana sound to create rich and emotionally complex music. She has also composed a Folk Opera, written a forthcoming novel on themes of motherhood & war, and is currently workshopping an original full-length musical with collaborator Kyle Rasche (Chain of Lakes) called The Keeper. ( )

KYLE RASCHE (Alto, MI) is an award-winning songwriter and aspiring playwright. He has released folk songs as Chain of Lakes for over a decade and recently branched out into new worlds with The Real Humdingers ("kids music for parents") and The Keeper (a full-length musical written with collaborator Annie Bacon.) ( )
